Tagged: best

How To Fix The Window.dll Error

Window.dll is a file which is directly related to Unreal Game Applications that is used to display or configure DirectX settings dialogue box. Epic Games developed Unreal technology and this particular file is used by this technology. A lot of people who...

How To Fix Wab32.dll Error

Wab32.dll is a file which is directly related to the Windows Address Book that contains database and user interface enabling users to find and edit information. The Windows Address Book is used by so many people but there have been...

How To Fix The Wbtapi.dll Error

Wbtapi.dll is a file which is related to the Bluetooth software 1.4.2 Build 21 program. Bluetooth software is used by computers to communicate and also transfer files. A lot of people who use this software have experienced an error which...

How To Repair iTunes Error 9808

iTunes is a very popular multimedia program which belongs to the Apple Inc family. This program is used by thousands of people everyday, and is primarily used for playing music and videos. The program is also an  interface to manage...

How To Fix Error 11222

The 11222 Error is an error which is related to Apple’s iTunes, which is a very popular multimedia program. A lot of iTunes users have said that they have received this error a number of times but don’t know why...

How To Repair PSIKey.dll Errors

The PSIKey.dll is a file which is part of software application Protexis n Titles which belongs to Protexis Inc. Protexis is a company which is a provider of hosted e-commerce and digital rights management services for software publishers. It is...