Personal Computer Fixes Blog
Error 226 usually occurs when the user tries to open an application such as Internet Explorer. It has many causes inside Windows, including the likes of: Insufficient memory, malware infection, damaged or corrupt core windows files, broken software installation, missing...
Error 1083 arises when the user tries to download updates, either from “Windows Update” or from the “Microsoft Update Website”. The root of this error is that there is a problem with the registration of the DLL files which prevent...
The 1068 error is related to the “INTERNET CONNECTION SHARING WIZARD” on Windows XP. It occurs when one of its dependencies (the services required for it to work) fail to load. Error 1608 normally appears when using any remote connectivity...
The Wxfw.dll file is used by the “WEATHER CHANNEL” application for Windows PC’s. It is used extensively to control the data output for this application. Unfortunately this file causes many errors including the 126 error. This file is located normally...
Driver update software is becoming very popular online thanks to its promise of being able to make your computer work smoother and more effectively by updating all the drivers on your PC in an automated and reliable way. However, does...
Rtlgina2.dll is a file used by Netgear wireless networking adapters to help your system read and process all the data that comes through the network. This file is used specifically with the WG111 USB Network Adapter and the error that...
The 0x000000EA error is caused by the “graphics adapter” on your PC encountering a problem and having to stop working. This error is a big issue for Windows XP and can be fixed pretty easily if you’re able to cure...
XP Guardian 2010 is a rogue antivirus program that has been designed to by a group of hackers. This virus installs itself on your PC and effectively takes over your system in an attempt to irritate you so much that...
Browseui.dll is a vital “Dynamic Link Library” file used primarily by the Internet Explorer application to control & handle the user interface (UI) options. This file is used extensively inside the Internet Explorer application as well as any other program...
The 0xc0000005 blue screen error appears on Windows systems when you try and use a program. Many people report this error when they are trying to use Internet Explorer (IE.exe / IExplore.exe) and it is quite common. In order to fix...