Personal Computer Fixes Blog
The Windows 80244019 Error is a problem that is encountered while updating Windows using the Windows Update feature. This error appears for many reasons, most often as a result of having the Automatic Update service or another equally important service...
SVCHOST.EXE is a generic process name for services that transfer the functionalities of exe files to dynamic link libraries. This enables Windows to reuse functionalities and launch the different dll files, for they cannot just run by themselves. The 0x745f2780...
Windows Update 0x80070420 Error appears when you are trying to update Windows using the Windows Update program or Microsoft Update websites to install new patches in your computer. The 0x80070420 error stops the update from completing, and will prevent you...
Windows Error 3 is caused primarily by your PC being unable to correctly load or read a particular file or setting inside the “Java Virtual Machine” settings of your computer. This type of error normally appears when you are installing...
Zlib1.dll is data compression file, and is part of the official build of the “zlib” library, which is generally free to use, hence its popularity. This file is used for general-purpose data compression and can be used on all operating...
Wscntfy.exe is a very important file, being a vital component of the Windows Security Center Notify Application. This Program will shield your PC from being infected by many viruses. It also makes sure that the firewall, virus protection features, and auto updates are constantly...
KBD.exe is a file process specifically used by HP programs to help control various driver settings associated with their different keyboard and other user input devices, especially the media and Internet keys. This file encounters many errors and can display...
UserInit.exe is a Windows application that manages the startup sequence configured in the system. This application is a key process in Windows systems and starts working in the boot-up portion for the stable and secure running of your PC. This...
Msnp32.dll is a Windows component belonging to the Microsoft networks program. It is a module for Microsoft networks that allows access to the network. The errors surrounding this file are commonly associated to older versions of Windows and typically appear...
Wireless network systems have become very convenient for hundreds of people. However, there are instances wherein users experience problems while connecting to such networks. In some cases, the system cannot correctly process the connection and it ends up giving limited...