Personal Computer Fixes Blog
Cssauth.exe is a file that’s used by the “Client Security Solution” program by Lenovo. Although this file is used by a lot of Lenovo’s software, it’s often causing a large number of errors, which can only be fixed by using...
The Windows Installer 1603 Error is caused by the Windows Installer engine not functioning correctly. This is a central set of features & settings that all Windows systems use to help them load up a number of important options for...
The 1308 Error is part of the Microsoft Office 2000 suite that includes a range of different programs in the package. The error is caused when you try and install the likes of Microsoft Office, and is caused by a...
What is the yt.dll file? It is actually a virus that runs in the background of your web browser (it’s officially known as a “BHO” / “Browser Help Object”). This file can be extremely harmful and dangerous and should be...
Vista Antivirus 2011 is a newly released infection that’s been designed to try and get you to buy the fake upgrade to the infection. Designed by hackers, it’s a complete fraud and should not be trusted at all, as it...
Antivirus Antispyware 2011 is a FAKE antivirus infection that will install onto your PC and try to get you to buy the rogue upgrade to the program. Although it looks legitimate, it’s continually causing a massive number of problems for...
The DDraw.dll file is a dynamic link library file which is linked to the DirectX program, and this specific file allows multimedia applications to draw 2D graphics. However for many people who use the DirectX program to create various types...
The Msvcp60d.dll is a file that is used by the Microsoft C++ Runtime Library. This particular file is used to implement a series of functions & options that the Microsoft C++ Runtime Library will be using to help it run....
The Adobe 2739 error is due to a confrontation between a number of Adobe products, which include CS2 suite or CS3 suite of software such as: Photoshop, Fireworks, Flash, Dreamweaver or CS3 Web Production Premium. This specific error occurs during...
Error 2048 is an error which is related to a multimedia program called ‘Long Tail Video‘. This program plays a variety of online video which supports a number of formats. Many people have experienced the 2048 error when they have...