Cli.exe – What Is This?
Cli.exe is a file which is used by your computer system and installed alongside ATI’s range of graphics cards with the Catalyst hardware driver range. This particular executable file is used to install an easy-to-access taskbar icon for access to diagnostic features.
What Causes The Cli.exe Error?
Executable files are directly linked to a lot of of the registry keys found in the Windows registry and these keys can often become damaged and corrupt which has a direct impact on the executable files that can cause them to not function properly. However it could be that the easy-to-access taskbar might not be functioning properly and has caused some issues on your system.
How To Fix The Cli.exe Error
Step 1 – Re-Install The ATI Graphics Driver On Your PC
Because the ATI graphics drivers are the ones which use the CLI.exe application, it’s continually the case that your PC will continually be trying to process the driver in the wrong way. Fortunately, however, there is a way to resolve this in the most effective way – by downloading a replacement graphics driver for CLI.exe, and then using that to clean out any of the problems that your system may have.
You can follow these steps:
- Click onto the ATI website
- Download a new version of the Catalyst Graphics Driver
- Install it on your PC
- Restart your system
- Try and run your software again without any CLI.exe errors
Step 2 – Clean Out The Registry
One of the big causes of Cli.exe errors is through the “registry” database of your computer. This is a large database which stores vital information & settings for your PC, and is used continually to help Windows to read the files, settings & options that it needs to run. Although the registry is one of the most important parts of every Windows system, it’s continually causing a large number of problems thanks to the way it will often become corrupted and unreadable. This is the cause behind many CLI.exe errors, and needs to be resolved by using a reliable “registry cleaner” application.
This step is best completed by downloading RegAce System Suite, and letting it clean out any of the problems that your system may have inside.