Category: General Errors

How To Fix Windows Update Error 0x80072EE2

The 0x80072EE2 error is associated with Windows Update and prevents you from receiving any updates through this integrated service on your system. You may see these errors: Error 0x80070008 Error 0x800705B4 Error 0x8007000E Error 0x80072EE2 Error 0x80072EFD Error 0x80072EE7 Error...

How To Fix Mfc42.dll Errors

Mfc42.dll is a file that’s used by the Visual Studio C++ to control various functions and components inside Windows applications. The “MFC” part of this file’s name shows that it’s a “Microsoft Foundation Class” used by programs created in Visual...

Fixes For Msvcrt.dll Errors

Msvcrt.dll is a core file in the Windows system which contains vital Visual C++ functions and commands. Any program created with the Visual C++ framework OR general C++ functions require the use of this file, and is specifically used for...