Category: General Errors

How To Fix Error 126

Error 126 is a Microsoft Runtime error that is normally caused by your computer being unable to read a certain number of DLL files that it needs on your PC. This error typically appears when you are editing or using...

How To Fix RunTime Error 5

Runtime Error 5 is an error generated when you start to run Microsoft Frontpage 2000, 2003, 2007 or 2010. This error appears when the Frontpage application is first loaded and appears something like this: FPECOM Runtime error 5. Invalid procedure...

How To Fix 0x8004005 & 0x800C005

The 0x8004005 error appears when you click “Scan For Updates” on your Windows Server 2003 PC. The error will show right after Windows brings up “0%” on the progress bar, indicating that the update was unsuccessful. This error is generally caused...