How To Fix Error 126
Error 126 is a Microsoft Runtime error that is normally caused by your computer being unable to read a certain number of DLL files that it needs on your PC. This error typically appears when you are editing or using...
Error 126 is a Microsoft Runtime error that is normally caused by your computer being unable to read a certain number of DLL files that it needs on your PC. This error typically appears when you are editing or using...
The 0x80240029 error often shows if you’re trying to update Windows Defender on Windows Vista. The Windows defender program has been designed to be the “default” firewall that provides basic protection to every Windows PC. Although you might not see...
The 0x800B0004 error is generated when the “SUS” Synchronization fails on your Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 PC. This error normally suggests that there’s either a problem with the downloaded files that your computer needs, a timing issue or...
The 8024200d error is a very annoying error that appears when you try and update Windows Vista & install one of the service packs to your system. The error normally shows part way through the update process, which stops and...
Runtime Error 5 is an error generated when you start to run Microsoft Frontpage 2000, 2003, 2007 or 2010. This error appears when the Frontpage application is first loaded and appears something like this: FPECOM Runtime error 5. Invalid procedure...
“Setup was unable to find the MSI package” is a very common error on Windows computers. It normally shows when you try and install an application and halts the installation, preventing your computer from being able to run properly. This...
Msacm32.dll is a file used by the Microsoft Audio Compression Manager to manage the various audio playback features of Windows. This file is essential for the smooth operation and playback of compressed audio, but is also prone to a lot...
The 0x8004005 error appears when you click “Scan For Updates” on your Windows Server 2003 PC. The error will show right after Windows brings up “0%” on the progress bar, indicating that the update was unsuccessful. This error is generally caused...
Security Central is a rogue antivirus program which installs itself on your computer and proceeds to try and scam you into purchasing the “upgrade” of the software. This software is designed to look as “official” as possible so that you...
Wab.dll (Web Address Book) is a module used by the Windows Address Book application, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express programs. This file is used primarily to store & load email and contact data, allowing your computer to store and...