Category: General Errors

Runtime Error 226 Solutions

Error 226 usually occurs when the user tries to open an application such as Internet Explorer. It has many causes inside Windows, including the likes of: Insufficient memory, malware infection, damaged or corrupt core windows files, broken software installation, missing...

Steps To Fix Error 1083

Error 1083 arises when the user tries to download updates, either from “Windows Update” or from the “Microsoft Update Website”. The root of this error is that there is a problem with the registration of the DLL files which prevent...

How To Fix Error 1068

The 1068 error is related to the “INTERNET CONNECTION SHARING WIZARD” on Windows XP. It occurs when one of its dependencies (the services required for it to work) fail to load. Error 1608 normally appears when using any remote connectivity...

How To Fix Microsoft Office Error 1328

The 1328 error is caused by an update issue between Microsoft Office & Windows Update. This error is normally caused when Windows tries to apply the “Windows XP SP1 Update” patch to Microsoft office and cannot read the file path...

How To Fix Runtime Error 91

Runtime error 91 is a common and damaging error which might seem to appear randomly. This error is a very big problem for many computers, not least because of the way it doesn’t describe what problems that cause it and...