Category: Game Errors

Hоw Tо Improve Game Реrfоrmаnсе in 9 Simple Steps

With a high ѕрееd intеrnеt connection, online gаmеѕ are easily ассеѕѕiblе and widе-rаnging in choice. Hоwеvеr, оnlinе gаming often соmеѕ with ѕеvеrаl diffеrеnt technology diffiсultiеѕ that aren’t ѕо noticeable in the оfflinе wоrld. If аn internet соnnесtiоn iѕ рооr оr...

fix the sims save game error

How to Quickly Fix The Sims Save Game Error

The Sims is one of the most popular video games out there with millions of players worldwide. Like every massively popular game, The Sims is prone to various errors that can occur out of nowhere. In this post we will...

How to Fix Game Error G99 in PlanetSide 2

Game Error G99 is a very annoying error that people get while playing PlanetSide 2. When this error occurs, the player usually gets the following error message: We’re sorry, there was a problem with the last action. Can you please...

payday 2 errors

How to Fix Payday 2 Errors and Failures

Are you looking for ways to fix Payday 2 errors? Payday 2 is a newly released cooperative first person shooter. The game involves the player and his team in various bank heists and robberies. It’s a fun and addictive game, but...

walkingdead.exe errors

Walkingdead.exe Error Fix Tutorial

The Walking Dead is a popular PC video game based on The Walking Dead comic books and film. It consist of multiple episodes and the game focuses on character and story development. Like all PC games, The Walking Dead uses...


How to Fix Guild Wars 2 Errors

As a gamer you know how important smooth and uninterrupted gameplay is, especially if it’s a MMOG. Guild Wars 2 is a hugely popular online 3D fantasy world video game. Unlike other online games, it’s focused on player vs. player...

Fix Sims 3 errors

How to Fix Sims 3 Errors – Sims 3 Error Fix

The Sims 3 is one of the most popular games of today. This game is a whole world where you can create Sims and have total control over their lives. You control everything – their appearance, their personalities, and even...

How to Fix Sudden Attack Errors

Sudden Attack is one of the most popular and successful free MMOGs of all times. It has millions of followers around the world and keeps gaining in popularity. Most of the time Sudden Attack gameplay is pretty smooth. But sometimes...