Category: DLL Error Fixes

Fmod.dll Error Fix Tutorial

Fmod.dll is used by the “Firelight Technologies” company to help load up a number of important audio settings and options for games. This file belongs to the “FMOD” library, which is used by many of the leading entertainment programs available...

Core.dll Error Fix Tutorial

Core.dll is a file that’s been used by SuperScape 3D Viewer to help load up a number of important options for the 3D graphical elements of your PC. Although the file is continually being used to help make Windows run...

AdvAPI32.dll Errors Fix

AVDAPI32.dll is a file that’s used by Windows to help load up a number of important registry & API settings inside the Windows system itself. We’ve found this file to be a major cause of problems for your PC, and...

atl71.dll Error Fix Tutorial

atl71.dll errors are a caused by the ATL component of your system, which is an integral part of the Windows system which helps your system to load up in the most effective way possible. We’ve found that although this file...

oleacc.dll Error Repair Guide

Oleacc.dll is a file that’s used by Windows to help load up the “Microsoft Active Accessibility” part of your system. Although this file is extremely important, it’s continually causing a large number of problems for your system, which need to...

msdmo.dll Errors Fix Tutorial

MSDMO.dll is a file that’s used by the “DirectX Multimedia Object” – which is used to help embed multimedia objects into various applications of your system. If you’re seeing this error, it generally means that Windows will have a number...

FLTLIB.dll Errors On Windows 7 – How To Fix

FLTLib.dll is a file that’s used by Windows to help process a number of important options which your PC will use to run the “Filter Library”. Although this file is continually used to help your system run smoothly, it’s continually...

IJL15.dll Error Repair Tutorial

Ijl15.dll is a file that’s used by the Intel JPEG graphics program to help modify a number of important options that your PC will require to run the imaging processes of your PC. The bottom line here is that if...

DNSAPI.dll Error Fix

DNSAPI.dll is a file that’s used by the Windows “DNS Client” API. In layman’s terms, this basically means that it’s a file that is used by Windows to help route Internet traffic to the correct addresses, and is used every...

OpenGL32.dll Fix For Windows Games

OpenGL32.dll is a file that’s used by the “Open Graphics Layer” of Windows – an important piece of software that helps the likes of games and other important programs to load up a number of important graphics options. Although a...