Category: DLL Error Fixes

How To Fix hpz3207.dll Errors

hpz3207.dll is a file belonging to the HP Printer Driver series of applications from HP. If you have an HP printer and have installed its software or drivers, then this file is designed to help your computer synchronize with your...

How To Fix Ltdis12n.dll Errors

Ltdis12n.dll is a dynamic link library file developed by the LEADTOOLS Technologies company and is used extensively with Microsoft Office and other programs. The file is used to help render images and graphics inside a variety of programs and is...

How To Solve “M3Plugin.dll Missing” Errors

M3plugin.dll is a file used by “My Web Search” – an Internet toolbar which is commonly associated with FireFox. Unfortunately, this toolbar often causes the error “M3plugin.dll is missing” or “M3plugin.dll Not Found” on many Windows computers. In order to...

Steps To Fix XvidCore.dll Errors

Xvidcore.dll is a file used by the “Xvid Codec” (a popular Windows video codec that allows you to watch movies in high quality on your system). The Xvid codec is widely used to play “xvid” movies, which are extremely popular...

How To Fix Wlanapi.dll Errors On Windows

Wlanapi.dll is the file that Windows uses to connect to a wireless network. This file contains a series of functions and files that Windows needs to use in order to connect to either a network or another computer via the...

How To Fix Mapi32.dll Errors

Mapi32.dll is a file used by the Windows “Messaging Application Programming Interface” (MAPI) protocol to control various aspects of your applications. This file is used widely in Microsoft products to promote greater co-operation between them, and the errors this file...

Steps To Fix Msls31.dll Errors

Msls31.dll is a file used by Internet Explorer and other programs to help render “Unicode Characters” on your PC. This file is used extensively to help your PC run as smoothly as possible, but it’s often causing errors such as...