How To Remove Total Virus Scanner
Total Virus Scanner is a fake anti-virus infection which secretly downloads and installs files onto your computer. One thing you will notice when your computer is infected with a fake anti-virus programs, is that the simple tasks like accessing the Internet are suddenly blocked. This is a common symptom regarding fake anti-virus infections because they actually block general computer processes so that your system is temporarily disabled, which means that the infection can thrive and take over your system. Once this has been done it will then try to convince you that your computer is infected with fake viruses and trojans so that you will purchase the full version of their ‘legitimate’ program.
How Do You Catch Total Virus Scanner
These sorts of viruses originate from places such as Eastern Europe, Asia and even the Middle East and are developed by professional computer hackers who specialize in creating such programs. When the hackers finish creating the virus they will then send it out over the Internet via email, infected websites or suspicious/infected links. Many people catch these types of virus by opening spam emails and navigating round infected websites and not knowing what is really happening.